quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2018


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amuletos (ushabtis)

Escavações realizadas por uma missão egípcia perto do Mausoléu de Aga Khan, na margem oeste de Assuã, no Sul do Egito, descobriram um sarcófago de arenito com uma múmia, dentro de uma tumba do período tardio.Mostafa Waziri, o secretário-geral do Conselho Supremo de Antiguidades, disse que a múmia  está envolta em linho, em boa condição de conservação e que mais estudos são necessários para identificar o dono do sarcófago.A missão também descobriu alguns túmulos do período tardio com paredes decoradas com cenas representando várias divindades como Ísis, Hathor e Anúbis.Uma coleção fragmentada de sarcófagos de pedra colorida foi desenterrada, juntamente com os restos de um caixão de madeira inscrito com texto hieroglífico.
 Abdel-Moneim Saeed, diretor da Aswan and Nubian Antiquities, explicou que um grande número de múmias, que foram enterradas ao acaso na tumba, também foram desenterradas, sugerindo que a tumba era usada como local de enterro comunal. Escavações dentro do túmulo revelaram uma cabeça de arenito não identificada de uma estátua, bem como uma coleção de amuletos e escaravelhos esculpidos em faiança e uma estatueta de madeira do deus Hórus.


sexta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2018

On the Street - Youssra El Hawary في الشارع - يسرا الهواري

Youssra -  an egyptian accordionist, composer, songwriter, singer and actress,  started her musical career performing only with her accordion, she sings about everything, and her songs tell stories. 


quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2018

Calendário do Antigo Egito: Ano Novo de 6.260

  •  Happy Ancient Egyptian New Year!

    Official and unofficial festivals helded at the ancient monumental sites across the country and a lot of top officials, public figures, foreign embassy representatives, artists and intellectuals had attend this festival.

    Nearly 7,000 years ago, Ancient Egyptians were among the first nations to celebrate a new year. Ancient Egyptian culture was closely tied to the Nile River, and it appears their New Year celebrations corresponded with its annual flood.

    The Egyptian New Year was predicted when “Sirius” (the brightest star in the night sky) first became visible after a 70-day absence, known as a heliacal rise. This phenomenon typically occurred in mid-July just before the annual inundation of the Nile River, which helped ensure that farmlands remained fertile for the coming year.

    A temple Painting showing Ancient Egyptians celebrating “Wepet Renpet” (photo: Classroom Synonym)
    Egyptians celebrated this new beginning with a festival known as “Wepet Renpet“, which means “opening of the year.” On New Year’s Day—the day the Nile actually began flooding—Egyptians celebrated by exchanging presents, usually small amulets of Sekhmet (the lion-headed goddess) or Bastet (the cat-headed goddess). The ancient civil Egyptian calendar had a year that was 365 days long and was divided into 12 months with 30 days each, in addition to five extra days at the end of the year.

    The months were divided into three weeks of ten days each. The ancient Egyptian year was almost a quarter of a day shorter than the solar year which gave rise to the notion of the annus vagus or having it called the “wandering year”.